Words of Dharmakirti (PDF)


This is the electronic version of the original hardcopy book (PDF) but has not been formatted to work with electronic devices such as tablets, phones, and other e-readers.

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From the book: This text serves as a complement to the Long Form of the Recitations for the Five-fold Path of Mahamudra, the primary text used during the traditional three-year retreat throughout the Drigung Kagyu lineage. The Long Form was prepared by an earlier translation team and the two texts are intended to be used together in retreat.

Khenpo Tsultrim Tenzin reviewed the earlier English edition and has added some new translation to help make the text as faithful as possible to the Tibetan original. Except for proper names, the Wylie transliteration system for Tibetan words was used. Footnotes that were part of the original text are marked “FN” and are included in the body of the text. Many of the numbered footnotes were retained from the previous translation team.