A Modern Teacher of Ancient Wisdom


  • Written by Tashi Samdup
  • Edited by Victoria Drolma
  • 230 pages
SKU: VPMTOAW Category:


From the preface:

“It is an honor to write a few prefatory notes on Khenchen Rinpoche’s life and Dharma voyage around the world. As his younger brother, I have known him my whole life, and therefore feel I am in a good position to document for his many students and for posterity his vast Dharma accomplishments.

After arriving in the U.S. in 1980, Rinpoche tirelessly engaged in promoting the Drigung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He is the founder of the Tibetan Meditation Center, now located in Frederick, MD, and invited many Drigung teachers to the West to make Dharma teachings available to all. He also founded a number of other Buddhist centers in the US and around the world, while continuing to lecture, lead meditation courses, and write and translate books.”