Calling to the Lama from Afar (PDF)


Calling to the Lama from Afar (e-Book / PDF)

This is the electronic version of the original hardcopy book (PDF) but has not been formatted to work with electronic devices such as tablets, phones, and other e-readers. The hardcopy version can be found here.


Verses of Supplication and Praise to Lord Jigten Sumgon translated from Tibetan by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche and edited by Rick Finney. Contains fifteen prayers and supplications as well as a glossary of terms and glossary of enumerations. In English. 120 pages.

Please note: this is a PDF/electronic version of the original hardcopy book. After you purchase it, you will receive a download link, which will stay active for a few days - meaning you have a few days to download a copy. When have downloaded your purchase, it is yours to keep. However, please do not post or share it without prior permission from VajraPub. Thank you!